10 things you should NEVER say to a couponer!
Thanks to Psycho Momma for letting me feature her blog!
Couponing is a great way to save money and can be really fun when you find a great deal. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. If you are one of these naysayers, here are a few things you should avoid saying to your frugal friends:
1. There’s no point using coupons because you’ll just end up spending more money buying more things.
- You have been doing it wrong. So very wrong.

2. Do you really need more (your favorite product here)?
-Yes. If it has no expiration date, it’s fair game.

3. Are you a hoarder?
- No. Hoarders have dust. My stockpile is immaculate.

4. Did you leave any for anyone else?
– Why don’t you go to the store and see for yourself?

5. Why bother with all the trouble over a few cents?
- You obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.

6. Why do you carry that binder around everywhere?
– You never know when you’ll need them!!

7. You need a real hobby.
– You’re just jelly that your hobby costs you money and mine saves it.

8. Who cares if you don’t have a coupon? Just buy it!
– hahahaha….. no.

9. Oh I just throw my Sunday papers away when I’m done with them.

10. Could we just have ONE conversation with out you mentioning what a great deal you found?!
– Sorry, you’ll have to find a new friend.
If you liked this, check out 10 things only couponers will understand! and The 15 best someecards – couponing edition!
Couponing is a great way to save money and can be really fun when you find a great deal. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. If you are one of these naysayers, here are a few things you should avoid saying to your frugal friends:
1. There’s no point using coupons because you’ll just end up spending more money buying more things.
- You have been doing it wrong. So very wrong.
2. Do you really need more (your favorite product here)?
-Yes. If it has no expiration date, it’s fair game.
3. Are you a hoarder?
- No. Hoarders have dust. My stockpile is immaculate.
4. Did you leave any for anyone else?
– Why don’t you go to the store and see for yourself?
5. Why bother with all the trouble over a few cents?
- You obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.
6. Why do you carry that binder around everywhere?
– You never know when you’ll need them!!
7. You need a real hobby.
– You’re just jelly that your hobby costs you money and mine saves it.
8. Who cares if you don’t have a coupon? Just buy it!
– hahahaha….. no.
9. Oh I just throw my Sunday papers away when I’m done with them.
10. Could we just have ONE conversation with out you mentioning what a great deal you found?!
– Sorry, you’ll have to find a new friend.
If you liked this, check out 10 things only couponers will understand! and The 15 best someecards – couponing edition!
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